Geography (0610)


Before you start:
These notes are designed to complement a textbook, focusing on the key points directly aligned with the syllabus, and are intended to serve as a concise revision guide.

Chapter Notes
(applicable for 2025-2026 syllabus)

Theme 1 – Population and settlement

1.1 Population dynamics
1.2 Migration
1.3 Population structure
1.4 Population density and distribution
1.5 Settlements (rural and urban) and service provision
1.6 Urban settlements
1.7 Urbanisation

Theme 2: The natural environment

2.1 Earthquakes and volcanoes
2.2 Rivers
2.3 Coasts
2.4 Weather
2.5 Climate and natural vegetation

Theme 3: Economic development

3.1 Development
3.2 Food production
3.3 Industry
3.4 Tourism
3.5 Energy
3.6 Water
3.7 Environmental risks of economic development

Case Studies

Theme 1 – Population and settlement

Theme 2: The natural environment

Theme 3: Economic development

3.1 Development
A transnational corporation and its global links
3.2 Food production

A farm or an agricultural system
A country or region suffering from food shortages
3.3 Industry

An industrial zone or factory
3.4 Tourism

An area where tourism is important
3.5 Energy

Energy supply in a country or area
3.6 Water

Water supply in a country or area
3.7 Environmental risks of economic development

An area where economic development is taking place and causing the environment to be at risk

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