Before you start:
These notes are designed to complement a textbook, focusing on the key points directly aligned with the syllabus, and are intended to serve as a concise revision guide.
Chapter Notes
(applicable for 2025-2026 syllabus)
Theme 1 – Population and settlement
1.1 Population dynamics
1.2 Migration
1.3 Population structure
1.4 Population density and distribution
1.5 Settlements (rural and urban) and service provision
1.6 Urban settlements
1.7 Urbanisation
Theme 2: The natural environment
2.1 Earthquakes and volcanoes
2.2 Rivers
2.3 Coasts
2.4 Weather
2.5 Climate and natural vegetation
Theme 3: Economic development
3.1 Development
3.2 Food production
3.3 Industry
3.4 Tourism
3.5 Energy
3.6 Water
3.7 Environmental risks of economic development
Case Studies
Theme 1 – Population and settlement
1.1 Population dynamics
An overpopulated country
An underpopulated country
A country with high natural population growth rate
A country with low population growth rate
1.2 Migration
An international migration
1.3 Population structure
A country with a high dependent population
1.4 Population density and distribution
A densely populated country or area
A sparsely populated country or area
1.5 Settlements (rural and urban) and service provision
A settlement and service provision in an area
1.6 Urban settlements
An urban area
1.7 Urbanisation
A rapidly growing urban area in a development country and migration to it
Theme 2: The natural environment
2.1 Earthquakes and volcanoes
An earthquake
A volcano
2.2 Rivers
The opportunities presented by a river or rivers, the associated hazards and their management
2.3 Coasts
The opportunities presented by an area or areas of coastline, the associated hazards and their
2.5 Climate and natural vegetation
An area of tropical rainforest
An area of hot desert
Theme 3: Economic development
3.1 Development
A transnational corporation and its global links
3.2 Food production
A farm or an agricultural system
A country or region suffering from food shortages
3.3 Industry
An industrial zone or factory
3.4 Tourism
An area where tourism is important
3.5 Energy
Energy supply in a country or area
3.6 Water
Water supply in a country or area
3.7 Environmental risks of economic development
An area where economic development is taking place and causing the environment to be at risk